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What Is VJ Panelling?



Trends and styles change all the time in the world of interior design, and one of those is VJ panelling in the bathroom. VJ panelling, sometimes called ‘vertical tongue-and-groove’ is panelling that can be placed on a bathroom wall and is sometimes used instead of tile on a ‘feature’ wall. These are often found in larger bathrooms, where one has the space to design a ‘feature’ wall. They are used to break up the monotony of the bathroom space and really add a sense of ‘pop’.

Where Can I Buy VJ Panelling?

VJ panelling can be found in almost any home-improvement or hardware store in various thicknesses and lengths. Simply choose the right thickness and length for your bathroom and away you go.

What Can I Use VJ Panelling For In My Bathroom?

VJ panelling is a fantastic way to use wood in a bathroom and still maintain a sleek, modern look. VJ panelling can be used for feature walls, as mentioned above. They’re great to put behind a vanity cabinet – providing that the colour schemes match. Alternatively, they could be used all-the-way-around, leaving only tile for the shower space. It could also be used around a mirror to make it stand out. 

When renovating your bathroom, make sure that you’ve got a plan for your VJ panelling, because it can be a pain to uninstall once it’s up. 

How Do I Prepare VJ Panelling For My Bathroom? 

Given that you’re dealing with wood in a humid, wet space, it’s very important that you treat your wood before you install it in your bathroom renovation, to ensure that it remains protected from the elements. This can be done in a few ways. 

1)     Polyurethane – it’s an easy and effective way to seal your panelling. Polyurethane also maintains a colourlessness, which allows you to apply paint to the wood – which you should do before coating it in polyurethane – to match whatever colour scheme you’re going for.

2)     Linseed or Tung Oil – if you’re trying to steer clear of chemical components for whatever reason, then linseed and/or Tung oil is a great way to seal your VJ panelling against water, as the oils are naturally water-repellent. This offers an au-naturel option, and the smell is fantastic.

3)     Seal/Stain Combination – If you’re looking to save time in your bathroom renovation, then using a stain/seal combination lacquer is a great way to make your VJ panelling waterproof – it’s helpful if you plan a natural wood look to use this method.

Why Should I Use VJ Panelling? 

There are a few reasons why you might choose VJ panelling over tiling when you’re renovating your bathroom. 

  • The Look – VJ panelling offers a completely different look than tile in the bathroom space. For obvious reasons, you should use tiling around the areas that are most prone to water – even though you might apply a water-repellent solution, tiles are simply more durable.
  • Cost Effectiveness – VJ panelling is without doubt the cheaper option for those renovating their bathroom. If you find yourself on a budget, then the use of VJ panels is a great way to save money while ensuring you have enough to tile the important areas.
  • Split-Design Option – You don’t have to have one or the other when doing your bathroom renovation. You can bring your floor tiles up to, say, splash-height – then continue up the wall with VJ panelling. Providing that the two colours work together, there’s no reason why you can’t mix-and-match.

How Can Crystal Bathrooms Help Me? 

We at Crystal Bathrooms specialise in bathroom renovations in Sydney, so no matter what your ideas are, we’ll help you get them from concept to actuality in no time. We’re great to bounce ideas off, we also employ skilled tradespeople to help bring your VJ panelling dreams to reality in any bathroom renovation.

Contact us today for a quote, to speak with one of our design experts, or for material acquisition options.

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